IT professionals are getting prepared with the new technologies to follow in 2019 to accomplish their business objectives. As we are at the last quarter of 2018 we have the best trends in Cloud Computing strategies that will prepare you in the coming year. Cloud computing can help any business to shorten the development times, best services and reduce human resources. Let us check more about Cloud Computing Trends to Prepare in 2019.
The word Cloud is the best internet enabled service that will allow the users to do some own servers onsite or on the personal machine. When we ask the industry professionals, what are the emerging trends in cloud computing in the coming year? There are various answers heard. Let us see few of them that will be useful for the years ahead.
Advantages of Cloud Computing:
- Deployable methods
- IT management and Maintenance is Simplified
- Support Services
- Cost Efficient
- Remote Access

Skills required for a forefront Cloud Computing Tech:
- People who can work more efficiently with Digital Transformations.
- System analysts can best adopt Cloud Computing Techniques.
- DevOps with cloud computing will be a great combination.
- API Architects can choose Cloud Computing.
Cloud Computing Trends in Coming Years:
Growth in Cloud Services:
With the demand on cloud computing services the demand for Cloud Computing Professionals also increases day by day. Google Apps, Salesforce, Citrix are the largest market for Cloud computing ever. Amazon will hold the largest market to compete with AWS and also other cloud computing that includes Microsoft Azure and Google Compute Engine.
Expand the Storage:
According to the survey in last year the data stored globally would reach up to 600EB and this will increase rapidly in the coming years. Hence the businesses are looking to increase the storage level that will be provided by the Cloud Computing. Keeping in mind the demand for this industry, the Cloud Computing Courses in Chennai are increasing rapidly.
Reach Cloud Security Challenges:
Businesses will look for the data storage and also look for the security. In coming years Cloud Computing would increase the security options and detection systems for cyber security. As this is time where every business is investing on tools like security, Cloud security is the most important.
Enhanced internet usage:
As customers or user for the internet is increasing drastically, more amounts of data is stored across the world this year, 2018. Users are expecting more data storage and other related options from network providers with the best security. Network providers are interconnected with the development of Apps and internet services.
Increasing IoT Architectures:
As every business is introducing IoT devices into their work places, the data becomes crucial. And usage of plenty of IoT cloud solutions increases according to the demand. These devices are mainly showing their major impact in their neighborhood, city, agriculture, workplaces etc.
More Cloud Strategies:
Cloud providers will take the advantage of users and provides limited services that can be used in particular operating systems. Like if someone is using an android mobile phone, they can use all the apps from play store but cannot use the App Store from Apple. More strategies would come in practice in coming years. That would be a great thing if AWS, Azure, and Google are seriously looking into it and bring everything under one roof.
We tried to put most of the Cloud Computing Trends that can be used in coming years. Hope we explained the best and useful Cloud Computing Trends to prepare in 2019. Be prepared and welcome the coming year with great positive spirit and achieve your dreams goals.