Every Tester dream for a career in Automation Testing, but only a few are successful. What might be the reason behind it? It is nothing that some people will follow Awesome Tips to be the Best Automation Tester. Let us find what they are in brief.
What is the main difference between a Manual tester and Automation Tester? A Manual tester will perform the task sitting in front of a computer carefully executing the steps. When come to Automation testing involves an Automation tool to execute the test automatically with some prior instructions or programming.
Automated Testing Process testing involves Test tool selection, define the scope of automation, Planning design and development, Test execution and finally Maintenance. In all these steps automation tester need to acquire some special skills to be successful in the career. Come, join us to find the valuable tips on suggested by Software testing experts.
Here are some Tips to be the Best Automation Tester for every tester. Here we are sharing a compilation of tips or strategies which can show good results when adopted systematically.
Tips to be the Best Automation Tester:

1. Be thorough with the basis:
It is always important to have a thorough knowledge on basis of testing, as they will help to take a techie approach to the testing. Be confident in what you are testing and why you are testing.
2. Plan it properly:
A Comprehensive test plan for the project should be on priority for every tester. Here you can categorize testing where it should be an Automated Testing and where manual testing is required. This makes the process of testing when you start it with a clear idea.
3. Learn By Seeing:
Every tool that is released into the market is user-friendly and will provide every feature that can make the programmer or tester work easy. So whenever got to work with the new tool have a look at all the features from “File” menu to “help” menu and check every option under it. Have a basic idea of every option under the menus, so that it is easy to utilize the features according to the requirement in the work process.
4. Help Files:
A. Whenever you are lost and in search of a solution for any tool the first thing that will help you is Help Files. For every tool, nothing can be the biggest treasure other than help files as it can give the best solution in using the tool.
5. Practice:
Never wait for a testing project to come in your way. Keep practicing on the writing code regularly taking an example from the open source tools available.
6. Unit Testing:
Automation testing is very easy when tested earlier. Unit testing from the initial days of testing will make the work easy for any tester.
7. Design a Test for all Platforms:
When a tester designing a test for some particular program it is always recommended that he or she write it suitable for every platform. This can save time for every tester and can reuse the program on other tools also if necessary.
8. Meaningful Test Logs:
Automation testers should write a meaningful test logs and generate summary reports time to time. This will help to maintain a log of everything.
9. Avoid Repeating structures:
Testers should avoid the repeating structures that are eventually giving the same bugs. This will save a lot of time for testers in clearing the bugs.
10. Build BVTs:
Start testing with small small automated Build Verification Tests that run for 1 or 2 hours in a day. Only after building the BVTs move ahead with the installation and testing.
11. Maintain a test Case:
Automation tester should maintain a test case management database and park all the tests. This will help every software testing engineer to operate and access the tests easily when maintained properly.
12. Clarity in Bug Report:
A good bug report can avoid miscommunication or will help for the further communication. Hence it is always advised to maintain a good bug report.
13. Testing is a team effort:
Understand testing is a team effort and everyone involved in this process has to maintain the loop from the beginning.
14. Find the Threshold:
Find the goal of testing and support your business processes in time to leverage new opportunities. You need not to be perfect, but should be able to deliver the goals of the company.
15. Think out of Box:
Sometimes testers should become the real users and try unthinkable scenarios to develop the tests.
16. Accept Code Reviews:
Four eyes can do a great job than two. Accept the reviews from other developers on a regular basis. You can increase the quality of work with this process.
17. Engage the User:
The end user is the most important person in the whole process, so take frequent feedback on the product for more improvement and development.
18. Keep Learning:
Software field is changing day by day, so you need to update your skills accordingly. Always keep learning the new tools in the market to gain immunity and feel secure.
19. Bug summary must be clear:
Customers or the clients will always see the summary of the bug first when they review. As they don’t have enough time to get in detail they check the bug summary to check what the problem is and how important it is.
20. Continue testing:
Keep on testing with the same tools as this will enable you to do the things from a different angle and improve your skills.
Hope this article about the Tips to be the Best Automation Tester will help the upcoming tester to be successful in their career. Let us know your feedback through comments below. If you have any queries regarding this we can assist you further.
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